Giving Tuesday unleashes the power of radical generosity around the world, and we are harnessing that generosity to raise $20,000 to support the work of Woodhull.
You can help us right now by sharing our ambitious goal, our campaign, and information about our work with your friends, families, and colleagues. Scroll down for resources!
Thank you for supporting our work! If you have any questions about this campaign, reach out to COO, Mandy Salley at [email protected].
Some tips for helping us spread the word using the graphics and sample posts below.
For each image we have written corresponding social media language. This page contains all the sample language you need to create engaging social media posts on your own social media pages.
Use Image Descriptions when posting photos. Written image descriptions are an important accessibility tool. Each image in our toolkit has image descriptions that you can use. On Twitter these are added via the “alt text” feature. On Facebook and Instagram, these descriptions can be added to the text of the post.
Make sure to use the #GivingTuesday and tag us, @WoodhullFreedom in your posts. This helps boost the exposure of each post.
Make it personal! The language we’ve used here is suggestive. Feel free to post using your voice. Fundraising is more effective when people have a personal connection to the cause or organization.
You can right click to download the images or download a ZIP of all images here.
Please feel free to copy/paste to use the language on your own social media pages.
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For Twitter
This way to a future where your human rights are recognized. Join me in supporting @WoodhullFreedom’s work this #GivingTuesday and help secure that future!
Follow this sign to a future free from censorship, limits on sexual expression, and where our human rights are fully recognized. Join me in helping @WoodhullFreedom secure that future by donating on #GivingTuesday.
The @WoodhullFreedom Foundation is planning for a future that includes universal recognition of our human rights. Help them create that world by donating on #GivingTuesday.
For Instagram or Facebook
As links don’t work in Instrgram posts, please add this text to the end of the post.
Link to the donation page is in @WoodhullFreedom’s bio.
I’m so worried about the direction that the US is currently heading and what it means for our democracy. Woodhull is working toward a future where our human rights are fully supported. This means that sex educators & therapists can provide education online without fear of censorship, where sex workers are not banned from social media, and where education about sexual orientation & gender identity is not legislated out of classrooms. Your gift on #GivingTuesday helps move us all closer to that vision. Can you join me and donate to support sexual freedom today?
Follow the arrow to a world that embraces our human right to sexual freedom and recognizes human rights as the cornerstone of democracy. Democracy is under attack in the US. Battles are raging over what is taught in classrooms, read in libraries, and discussed online about sexuality. Censorship efforts have increased drastically this year, and those efforts are a violation of our human rights. Join me in supporting Woodhull – the organization that has consistently spoken out to defend and secure our rights. Join me in supporting them as they continue to speak out and raise awareness about the censorship of sexual expression. Can you donate to support their work this #GivingTuesday?
Can you see it? Just there, at the end of the arrow, is a much better world where human rights are always protected! It is a world where our human rights are honored and our democracy is secure! It’s where we can be our authentic selves without judgment, fear, or criminalization of our identities. Looks amazing. Give to Woodhull this #GivingTuesday and help them create that world.
Joyous Couple
For Twitter
The @WoodhullFreedom Foundation is working towards a world where love is universal and where our right to form relationships is not limited by the law. Help them create a world filled with this kind of joy by donating on #GivingTuesday.
The attacks on human rights we have seen this year have robbed us of this kind of joy. @WoodhullFreedom has consistently called out these human rights violators, and they won’t stop! Donate on this #GivingTuesday to help them continue speaking up for our human rights.
For Instagram or Facebook
As links don’t work in Instrgram posts, please add this text to the end of the post.
Link to the donation page is in @WoodhullFreedom’s bio.
When I look at this photo, I see unfettered joy and love. I see two people embracing their relationship, and I want to see more of it. You too? We’ve been robbed of this joy a lot lately. Joy was taken from our books with book bans. Joy was erased from classrooms when Pride demonstrations were forcibly removed. Joy was erased from the internet when people tried to express their sexuality online. I’m sick of it and I’m glad Woodhull isn’t going to be silent! I know they won’t stop speaking out about these losses. Woodhull can’t do the work they do without your support. Join me in supporting sexual freedom this #GivingTuesday?
I love this photo. When I look at it I see two people without a care in the world. It’s a feeling I miss. I wake up to news about a new rollback on our rights daily. Woodhull has been monitoring and speaking out about these rollbacks as they happen. They are the organization calling out human rights violations and threats to our democracy, and I know they have no intention of stopping. Please join me now in donating to their #GivingTuesday campaign right now so Woodhull can focus on the work we need them to be doing!
Pride Marquee
For Twitter
We will get through this. Emphasis on the “we.” @WoodhullFreedom prides itself on working with multiple organizations to fight for sexual freedom. Help them continue doing that work by donating to support them on #GivingTuesday.
The @WoodhulFreedom Foundation is defending democracy and human rights – one violation at a time! I know they won’t stop defending and securing our human rights. Please join me now in supporting Woodhull this #Giving Tuesday?
For Instagram or Facebook
As links don’t work in Instrgram posts, please add this text to the end of the post.
Link to the donation page is in @WoodhullFreedom’s bio.
2022 has been a hard year filled with human rights violations in the United States. Woodhull has been challenging these violations in the public square and insisting that our human rights be recognized. I believe we need their unique voice in the public square and that’s why I support them! Please join me in donating to support their work on #GivingTuesday.
Parent’s Sign
For Twitter
Parents want a bright future for their children. At @WoodhullFreedom we are working towards a future where all human rights are recognized. Help us realize that future by donating to our work this #GivingTuesday.
For Instagram or Facebook
As links don’t work in Instrgram posts, please add this text to the end of the post.
Link to the donation page is in @WoodhullFreedom’s bio.
One of the ugliest attacks on human rights I’ve seen this year involved LGBTQ+ kids, particularly trans kids. These attacks are human rights violations. Woodhull is working toward a future where parents and kids don’t have to worry about their identities being used as weapons against them. Donate to help them create a better future this #GivingTuesday.
Yellow Handful
For Twitter
The future of sexual freedom is in our hands. Donate to @WoodhullFredom this #GivingTuesday to help them create a future where sexual freedom as a human right is fully realized!
For Instagram or Facebook
As links don’t work in Instrgram posts, please add this text to the end of the post.
Link to the donation page is in @WoodhullFreedom’s bio.
I love how sexual freedom is represented in this photo. Can you spot the references to sex ed, gender identity, and kink? Woodhull believes that we have a human right to experience all of those things! Help them work toward universal recognition of those human rights by donating to support them on #GivingTuesday.
In 2022, we’ve seen numerous attacks on sex, relationship, and gender education in schools. I am really concerned about the censoring of this vital information. I know that Woodhull will continue to speak out against censorship in the name of sexual freedom. Help them continue to fight against censorship by donating on #GivingTuesday.
Neon Signs
For Twitter
The @WoodhullFreedom Foundation has been challenging unconstitutional legislation in the courts and the media since 2003, and I know they have no intention of shutting up now. Support their voice this #GivingTuesday.
The @WoodhullFreedom Foundation has been in court fighting against SESTA/FOSTA since 2018 and they’re committed to taking that fight to SCOTUS so we can access an uncensored internet. Show your support by giving to them this #GivingTuesday!
For Instagram or Facebook
As links don’t work in Instrgram posts, please add this text to the end of the post.
Link to the donation page is in @WoodhullFreedom’s bio.
Woodhull is on the frontlines fighting for our fundamental human rights. They are the organization talking about the intersection between sexual and human rights. They’ve been leading this discussion since 2003, and it’s more crucial to support them now than ever. If you believe in human and sexual rights, I’m asking you to please give to Woodhull this #GivingTuesday. The link to donate is in @WoodhullFreedom’s bio.
Freedom has been pretty elusive in America in 2022. Our human rights have been under attack at every turn. I’ve seen Woodhull speaking out about these human rights violations and calling them as they see them – abuses! I know they’ll continue to be the voice of human and sexual rights in the US for as long as we need them to be. That’s why I support them. How about you? Make a donation now to sustain their work this #GivingTuesday.
Njoy Thank You
For Twitter
SQUEE!! NJOY Toys is matching all donations to @WoodhullFreedom up to $20,000 during #GivingTuesday. My $100 gives Woodhull $200! Join me right now, please, with a donation that gets doubled! We need Woodhull in the fight, so let’s make that happen! Thanks, NJOY!
The @WoodhullFreedom Foundation set a goal of $20,000 to protect your human right to sexual freedom this #GivingTuesday. NJOY has offered to match every donation dollar for dollar until they reach that goal. I donated. Won’t you?
NJOY Toys have long supported human rights and sexual freedom. This #GivingTuesday they are matching every donation @WoodhullFreedom receives up to $20,000! Can you donate to support sexual freedom today and have your donation doubled?
For Instagram or Facebook
As links don’t work in Instrgram posts, please add this text to the end of the post.
Link to the donation page is in @WoodhullFreedom’s bio.
NJOY has been a supporter of sexual freedom for many years. We want to send them a huge THANK YOU for matching every donation we receive on #GivingTuesday up to $20,000! That means when you make a donation to support our work it goes twice as far. Double your gift today!
General Text
For Twitter
Our human rights are under attack. @WoodhullFreedom has and will continue to fight for those sexual rights. Please support their work with a donation on #GivingTuesday.
Book bans, anti-trans bills, the repeal of Roe. Oh my! What is wrong with you, 2022? I know @WoodhullFreedom is here for the long haul and is committed to protecting our rights! Donate to support the fight on #GivingTuesday.
If we’ve learned anything in 2022 it’s that our human rights are under attack. @WoodhullFreedom believes in our human rights and is fighting to protect them. Join the fight today by donating to them on #GivingTuesday.
The @WoodhullFreedom Foundation is committed to protecting your right to free speech, including sexual expression. They’ve been fighting for this right before book bans were in the news. Join me this #GivingTuesday in donating to continue the fight.
2022 was a bad year for human rights and sexual freedom. @WoodhullFreedom has been fighting for sexual freedom since 2003, and it’s obvious they have no intention of stopping anytime soon. Donate on #GivingTuesday to help them stay in the fight.
For Instagram or Facebook
As links don’t work in Instrgram posts, please add this text to the end of the post.
Link to the donation page is in @WoodhullFreedom’s bio.
This year Woodhull educated and engaged people through Woodhull’s Human Rights Commissions. The Censorship of Sexual Freedom Commission in August brought a librarian, a student, an author, a sex therapist, and a sex worker together to explain the human rights violations that censorship presents. They plan to continue hosting Human Rights Commissions to highlight these human rights violations. Give to Woodhull on #GivingTueday so they can continue this vital work.
We lost a fundamental human right this past June when Roe. v Wade was overturned in the Dobbs v. Women’s Whole Health Supreme Court Decision. Woodhull has warned us that this loss of access to abortion is just the first of many human rights we will lose. It is more important to speak out about and defend human rights now than ever. Woodhull will not stop defending your human rights, but they can’t do it without our help. Please join me now in donating to support their work this #GivingTuesday.