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Treating the whole person

  • Chad Cipiti

The encouragement I've received as a result of these blog posts and the material I've shared over the past two weeks has been truly inspiring. I wish I could work on this full time! I'm applying for a sabbatical so…

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  • Chad Cipiti

Last week I introduced a new project I'm working on, and shared a small excerpt. Today I have a question. I've been thinking about this question a lot as I think about my relationship with my mother, and as I…

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  • Chad Cipiti

Many of you know that almost a year ago my mother died, and I spent most of the eight months before that with her in the various hospital and rehab settings in which she spent her last months. For the…

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Sin Tax Error

  • Chad Cipiti

Should strip clubs be taxed to fund state services for sexual assault victims? Tracy Clark Flory raises that question in a recent Salon article. Strip club taxes seem to be popular these days. According to Flory, States from Georgia, Pennsylvania,…

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Does Drivers’ Ed Undermine Parental Rights?

  • Chad Cipiti

Wouldn’t that be a silly headline and a ridiculous debate?  And yet, we have the same debate about sexuality education.  In an opinion piece published in the New York Times, Robert P. George and Melissa Moschella took the position that a new…

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No One Expects the Polk County Inquisition!

  • Chad Cipiti

I just recently learned the story of EllenBeth Wachs, who is suing Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County, Florida, for harassment. Wachs has been arrested three times recently, each time for a trumped up charge. It seems that Sheriff Grady…

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Insulted and Confused

  • Chad Cipiti

Let's pretend. Let's imagine that Mary hears that John is gay, and is having same-sex relationships while dating Susie. Mary tells Jane in hopes of getting the message to Susie. (Jane is a close friend of Susie's mom.) Mary believes…

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It’s all about sex, and that’s the shame

  • Chad Cipiti

What would happen to your career if your erotic desires were made public? Depending on where you work and what you do for a living, you may well risk losing your job. This reality has nothing to do with your…

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