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What is sexual freedom?

  • Chad Cipiti

This video was made by Tiye Massey, daughter of Woodhull Freedom Foundation advisory council members Dan Massey and Alison Gardner. It is a 12 minute long look at what sexual freedom means to a range of people she interviewed on…

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Body, Be Good

  • Chad Cipiti

I was thirteen when I first began starving myself, but you’ve heard stories like mine before.  Like genital mutilation and date rape, anorexia has had its recurring moments in the spotlight, an issue sensational enough for TV movies and the…

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Sex Workers Stop Traffick

  • Chad Cipiti

Originally posted by Stacey Swimme of Sex Workers Outreach Project and Bound, Not Gagged, and reprinted here in its entirety: Sex Workers Outreach Project USA, a social justice and anti-violence project by and for sex workers, decries trafficking and demands…

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Sexual Freedom Day 2010 – I’ll be there. Will you?

  • Chad Cipiti

I'll be attending Woodhull Freedom Foundation's Sexual Freedom Day at the Press Club in Washington DC on Thursday, September 23 2010. It's going to be an exciting day. If you're in the area you should join us. From the announcement:…

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Instant Censorship, Google Style

  • Chad Cipiti

Google just launched a new search technology that speeds up the already mindbogglingly fast process by which you can find information online. I read about it in the New York Times this morning. It launched yesterday and it's called Google…

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Where all the labia are above average

  • Chad Cipiti

One of the things that's kept me from blogging recently - aside from family concerns, work, and all the ordinary stuff that keeps people from blogging - is this paralysis that comes when I find a story I want to…

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Cabaret Red Light in Red Hook This Weekend Only

  • Chad Cipiti

My sweetie writes about boats. I write about sex. Tonight we were fortunate to find an entertaining intersection between the two: Cabaret Red Light's "Seven Deadly Seas" performed on the schooner Gazela, docked for the next few nights in Atlantic…

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