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White Supremacy, Sex, and Ferguson

  • Chad Cipiti

**UPDATE, DEC. 4, 2014: It was brought to my attention by a reader on December 3 that Frankel and Winston's post had been edited with a very different tone after I linked to it here. It is unfortunate that instead…

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Standing with the Family of Michael Brown

  • Chad Cipiti

We were saddened and outraged by the announcement last night that the Grand Jury has decided not to charge Darren Wilson for killing Michael Brown. In this time of tremendous pain, the US Human Rights Network (in which Woodhull is…

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64 Days for Human Rights – Week Three

  • Chad Cipiti

In commemoration of the 64th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights this year, the US Human Rights Network is highlighting 64 member and partner organizations as a way to raise awareness about the domestic human rights movement. Yesterday, October…

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Perverts of Color – A Call For Submissions

  • Chad Cipiti

I saw this call for submissions in a comment thread on Alas and since I thought it would interest people who visit this site, I am posting it here:Perverts of Color AnthologyCall for SubmissionsThe voices of US racial minorities in alternative…

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