2019 Vicki Awards – Nadine Smith and Kate Kendell
Join us as we celebrated the 2019 Vicki Sexual Freedom Award recipients, Nadine Smith and Kate Kendell, two spectacular sexual freedom and human rights champions. Nadine's award was presented by Woodhull Freedom Foundation President and founder, Ricci Levy, and Board…
Sexual Freedom in the Age of Trump and Summit Closing
Sexual rights are being rolled back on a regular basis by a juggernaut of right-wing (and a few bipartisan) attacks on our most fundamental human rights. The Trump administration and this congress have made policy changes that harm refugees and…
Fighting for Decriminalization In the Era of COVID & Black Lives Matter
Join us as we aim to give a broad overview on the path to decriminalizing sex work nationally, taking into account the pandemic and national focus on Black Lives Matter and racial justice. This panel will feature advocates and policy…