Woodhull Freedom Foundation and Allies Respond to UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls’
On January 30, 2025, Woodhull Freedom Foundation, the National Survivor Network (NSN), and Freedom Network USA (FNUSA) submitted a response to the United Nations Special Rapporteur (SR) on Violence Against Women and Girls’ call for input to inform an addendum…
The Destruction of Gender-Affirming Healthcare for NYC Trans Youth
Trump’s January 28, 2025, Executive Order attacking gender-affirming healthcare for youth – the title of which is too awful to repeat here – is already causing unthinkable harm across the U.S. Among other horrors, the EO threatens the loss of…
Woodhull Supports Decriminalization Efforts in New York
Re: Woodhull Freedom Foundation Advocates for the passage of the “Cecilia’s Act for Rights in the Sex Trades”, New York State Senate Bill S2513 and Assembly Bill A3251 relating to the decriminalization of sex work The Woodhull Freedom Foundation is…
Woodhull Supports Immunity for Sex Workers in New York State!
February 25, 2025 Re: Woodhull Freedom Foundation Support A.1029 (Kelles) / S.3967 (Sepulveda) Dear Legislator: The Woodhull Freedom Foundation supports A.1029/S.3967, legislation to enable victims and witnesses to a crime to be able to seek help without fear of being…
Opposing Proposed Drag Bans in Oklahoma
February 11, 2025 To the Members of the Oklahoma Senate Public Safety Committee, My name is Ricci Levy. I am the President and CEO of the Woodhull Freedom Foundation, a national human rights organization. As a representative of Woodhull and…
Trans Health Care Under Trump
Back during his campaign, President Trump was unequivocal: “I will sign a new executive order instructing every federal agency to cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age.” On top of that horrifying…
Woodhull Cries Foul! At Slate of Alarming Bills Introduced in Oklahoma Seeking to Rollback Human Rights
Emboldened by President Trump’s election, Senator Dusty Deevers, an ultra-conservative abortion abolitionist, pastor, and Oklahoma State Senator, ignores the separation between church and state, Constitutional rights, and human rights in two slates of proposed bills. The first slate of eight…