U.S. Leads in Income Inequality and Moving ‘Full Steam Ahead to Make Itself More Unequal’
Reprinted with permission from the Human Rights at Home Blog. For two weeks at the end of last year, Philip Alston, the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty crisscrossed the United States, speaking to communities in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Lowndes…
The Right to Family in the Era of the “Zero Tolerance” Immigration Policy
On May 7, 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a new iteration of the Trump administration’s draconian stance on immigration: the “zero tolerance” policy. In short, the “zero tolerance” policy directs prosecutors to charge as many people crossing the border…
Woodhull Joins 156 Civil and Human Rights Groups in Call for Stronger Response to Hate Incidents
This is a press release from The Leadership Conference. Please find the original post here. WASHINGTON –The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and 155 civil and human rights groups today called upon the Executive Branch to respond more…
Woodhull joins civil society organizations in call for IACHR emergency hearing re: “Muslim Ban”
This January, President Donald Trump signed an executive order “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States,” known commonly as the “Muslim Ban.” Although the 9th Circuit Court has upheld the illegality of this order, there’s no…