Woodhull Participates in Day of Action in Albany, NY
Albany, NY - April 26, 2023. Woodhull Freedom Foundation joined allies from fifteen organizations for Immunity NY’s Day of Action Against Gender-Based Violence yesterday. Supporting S4266A/A5288A, a bill that would establish a task force on missing women who are black, indigenous, and…
FOSTA Five Years Later
April 11th, was the 5th anniversary of FOSTA becoming law. FOSTA, AKA SESTA, is the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act. FOSTA does NOT fight sex trafficking; in fact, it has a host of other dangerous consequences. It is, we believe,…
Why Does The Internet Hate S3x?
Remember the good ol’ days of the internet when we busted conversations about sexual expression wide open? It was a time when people chatting online (remember that dial tone from AOL?) could connect with like-minded individuals and leave their earthly…