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  • Chad Cipiti

Ten is the number of bodies that have been found on Long Island's southern beaches since December. The first four, all found between December 11 abd 13, were confirmed to be the remains of women who had had some experience…

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Human Rights Victory

  • Chad Cipiti

A VICTORY FOR SEXUAL FREEDOM AS A FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT WE MADE HISTORY! Woodhull is pleased to announce that, for the first time ever, the U.S. Federal Government has officially condemned violence and discrimination against sex workers! We were part…

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My first whore job

  • Chad Cipiti

Once I made the decision to do sex work, the rest was fairly easy.  At the time, Craigslist was a wide-open playing field for sex work of all kinds under the "Erotic Services" section.  The only problem I really had…

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Don’t tell anyone: I’m a whore

  • Chad Cipiti

Thank you to Sex in the Public Square for giving me the space to write.  Allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Julia B. Adams.  Here's what you need to know in order to catch up with where I…

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Sex Workers Stop Traffick

  • Chad Cipiti

Originally posted by Stacey Swimme of Sex Workers Outreach Project and Bound, Not Gagged, and reprinted here in its entirety: Sex Workers Outreach Project USA, a social justice and anti-violence project by and for sex workers, decries trafficking and demands…

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