Letter of Support for New York State’s Immunity Law
February 20, 2024 Re: Woodhull Freedom Foundation Supports A.7471(Kelles)/ S.1966 (Sepulveda) Dear Legislator: The Woodhull Freedom Foundation supports A.7471/S.1966, legislation to enable victims and witnesses to a crime to be able to seek help without fear of being prosecuted for…
Support for Rhode Island H7165 – “Relating to Criminal Offenses – Commercial Sexual Activity”
To the House Judiciary Committee, We want to express Woodhull Freedom Foundation’s strong support of H7165, granting immunity from prosecution for prostitution to victims and witnesses of crime who report that crime to law enforcement, aid in investigating that crime,…
NSFW Content on Reddit with Dr. Val Webber
Over the past several years, online platforms have changed their attitudes about hosting explicit content on their sites and, in turn, changed their moderation policies. What happens to creators and workers relying on those platforms to market their businesses and…