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What Makes A Woman? What Doesn’t!

  • Chad Cipiti

There is no single answer to the question “what makes a woman.” Women are not born women. They are born babies, and many of those babies are assigned as female then raised as girls. Some are not. Some are assigned as male and raised…

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Ladies and Gentlemen – huh?

  • Chad Cipiti

I recently engaged in a conversation with my six and seven year old grandchildren.  It was a simple conversation about my Grandmother, who would have been their great-great-grandmother. My grandmother lived with us for several decades and was a wonderful,…

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Basic Human Rights Should Not Be ‘Controversial’

  • Chad Cipiti

"After dismantling Apartheid, when we sat down to write our Constitution, we quite deliberately ensured that gays, lesbians and bisexuals were included in South Africa's Constitution. "Having ourselves suffered terribly, we did not want to inflict discrimination on any group…

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Assessing Domestic Abstinence-Only Programs

  • Mandy Salley

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform  Statement of   The Woodhull Freedom Federation  Assessing Domestic Abstinence-Only Programs  April 23, 2008  In Support of Comprehensive Sexuality Education  Very few Congressional hearings are as important to the health of our children as this…

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