First Forbidden Words. Next, Forbidden People!
In yet another disastrous display of the true agenda of the trump administration seven words were listed as “forbidden” for use by the Center for Disease Control. Vulnerable, Entitlement, Diversity, Transgender, Fetus, Evidence-Based, Science-Based Take a moment to think about…
Addressing Sexual Harassment and Abuse
This is such an important, watershed moment for addressing sexual harassment and abuse in America and I fear simple-mindedness may cause us to fumble. As a woman, I have seen victims of sexual harassment and violence be mocked, shamed, dismissed,…
5 Ways to Be a Better Advocate for Sexual Violence Survivors
As Domestic Violence Awareness Month turns 30 this year, Woodhull renews our pledge to work to end sexual violence. Our fundamental human right to sexual freedom requires, among other freedoms, that all people should be free from domestic and sexual…
Under Attack: Fighting Back Against Online and Real-World Harassment
Guest Post by Sandra from The Right Side of Truth The internet has opened the door to nearly unlimited opportunities to share information and knowledge around the world. Unfortunately, it has also created an entirely new arena for abuse and…
Baby Steps: In Brooke S.B. v. Elizabeth C.C. New York Highest Court Expands The Meaning of “Parenthood”; (but insists on a maximum of two)
Being a parent used to be easy. Not the job, of course — I doubt that’s ever been easy — I mean being a legal parent of a child, with all the responsibilities and rights that go along with that,…
Why Planned Parenthood’s Funding is a Human Rights Issue
In a recent blog post, I talked about some ways to be an advocate for human rights. The overarching theme of these tips was to educate yourself in order to educate others. To keep up with that theme and our…
USHRN’s Statement on the State of Emergency of Anti-Trans Hate Violence
The US Human Rights Network (of which Woodhull is a member and, with SisterSong, chairs the Social Rights and Gender Justice Working Group) Coordinating Center extends our thoughts and prayers to the families and loved ones of the 18 transgender…
Abortion Drones Use Innovation for Justice
The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of human rights. The decisions to uphold the Affordable Care Act as well as the ruling in favor of marriage equality are both steps in the direction of justice. In the midst of these…