Feminism or Fascism: Iceland’s Stunning Ban on Pornography May Be Spreading
Iceland recently made headlines with the latest project on its allegedly progressive agenda: a nation-wide ban on pornography. No stranger to proscribing activities related to commercializing sex, Iceland has already passed laws banning printed pornography, prostitution and stripping, and has…
Sex & God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality
by Guest Blogger: David S. Hall, Ph.D As this Journal’s publisher, I receive many books and films to review. I tend to shy away from books and films about religion except in my role as an educator. I need to…
STDs in Sex-Positive Community: Examining Stigma and Safer Sex Practices
A prominent sex-positive organization’s LinkedIn profile recently posted a call out for a group seeking to establish an intentional living community in Arizona. When I noticed they excluded membership on the basis of STD-positivity, I responded expressing my disappointment and…
Woodhull Featured in 64 Day Campaign for Human Rights
Human rights are universal and fundamental. More than a matter of oppression in far-off lands, they are intrinsic to the way we treat each other in our communities, in our families, and in our homes. Breakthrough The 64 Day Campaign…
Details of your sex life, $10.00 in Florida!
In an article in the Sun Sentinel reporter Brittany Wallman share the details of a survey about the sex lives of 4100 women ages 18 to 24 being conducted of Florida's Department of Health. The 12-page questionnaire appalled some who saw it,…
Caged Pussy Riot: Protecting the Peace or Putin’s Political Revenge?
Between YouTube videos sparking Middle Eastern riots, and the Westboro Baptist Church continuing its ministry one hateful protest at a time, recent headlines have illustrated the unique place that Free Speech rights occupy in American society and jurisprudence. While these…
Mommy Porn & Social Media: Erotic and Mainstream Meet in the Middle
Christian Grey. If you haven’t heard that name uttered dozens times over the last year, it’s safe to say that you may have been living under a rock. While certainly not a literary prose masterpiece, the Fifty Shades trilogy hasn’t…
“Liberate Your Ass: How Sexual Freedom is Key to Fighting the Right”
Last week, I was honored to participate in an event titled “Liberate Your Ass: How Sexual Freedom is Key to Fighting the Right” at Netroots Nation, the country’s largest progressive online activist convention. A long-overdue conversation on the politics of…
Why the Women’s Rights Movement Must Listen to Sex Workers
Editor's Note: In 2008 the US Government gave Malaysia the lowest rating in its annual Trafficking In Persons Report. Rather than address the real labour trafficking issues, the government set out to close down the sex industry. Now nearly all…