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Expanding the Conversation about Sex Ed Reform

  • Chad Cipiti

When we talk about sex education reform, the discussion is often a two-sided debate between teaching adolescents about sex or teaching them to wait until marriage. As of January 2015, only 19 states have a policy that requires their sex…

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Oregon Legislators Say “No Toys For Teens”

  • Chad Cipiti

Looking for a court challenge to obscenity laws?  Try Oregon, where the laws regarding exposing minors to obscenity are already so broad as to be hard to fit within the bounds of the constitution.  How bad are the current laws?…

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Hartford Zoning Board to Family: Enter Servitude Or Move Out

  • Chad Cipiti

I just read in the Hartford Courant that the city’s zoning board is forcing a family out of their home by upholding city official’s ruling regarding a ridiculous policy declaring that residents of a single-family home must be related by…

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Still Harmful to Minors

  • Chad Cipiti

In 2002, Judith Levine wrote a prize-winning critique of sex-related laws called Harmful To Minors (Thunders Mouth Press). It provides a very carefully researched, clearly written argument that the laws we make in the name of protecting kids often does more damage…

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