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Reflections on Outness

  • Chad Cipiti

By my count, I've been out for 17 years, since late winter of 1993, when I began telling my family that I had a girlfriend, and that they would be meeting her at my college graduation. I suppose I'd been…

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The Freedom To Be Whole

  • Chad Cipiti

When I was at Woodhull Freedom Foundation's National Sexual Freedom Day press conference on September 23rd I participated in a video interview project exploring what sexual freedom means to people. To me, sexual freedom means the freedom to be my whole…

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Having Sex with Someone is Worse Than (Fill in the Blank)?

  • Chad Cipiti

Mark Hurd, CEO of Hewlett-Packard, was fired for sexual harassment. Really?  Well, no, not really. In fact, HP cleared Mr. Hurd of the harassment charge and fired him, instead, for some violation of their standard of business conduct. According to…

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Everybody Poops

  • Chad Cipiti

No - this isn't a blog post about "pooping" - although it is true that everyone does.  This is actually about the Burglington County NJ Public Library ordering the removal of Amy Sonnie’s Revolutionary Voices: A Multicultural Queer Youth Anthology,…

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We Won! Victory for Equal Rights in Washington, DC

  • Chad Cipiti

A Victory for Family and Relationship Equal Rights! WE WON! DC MARRIAGE BILL "TWEAKED" AND DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS REMAIN! I've got some great news to share with you! As you know, Woodhull joined our allies in testifying at the recent hearing…

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