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  • Chad Cipiti

…And because you didn’t, there’s a good chance that the GOP is going to take this opportunity to pounce. It seems like just yesterday that Obama was being sworn into office.  As with the inception of most new presidential terms,…

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Reading the Tea Leaves? Discerning the Ultimate Fate of Section 2257

  • Chad Cipiti

Adult content producers and webmasters have become increasingly resigned to the fact that Section 2257 compliance is here to stay.  Renowned industry attorney Greg Piccionelli, Esq., has recently written a detailed set of articles reminding producers of their complicated obligations…

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No One Expects the Polk County Inquisition!

  • Chad Cipiti

I just recently learned the story of EllenBeth Wachs, who is suing Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County, Florida, for harassment. Wachs has been arrested three times recently, each time for a trumped up charge. It seems that Sheriff Grady…

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Turn Anti-Porn Day into a Day for Sexual Freedom

  • Chad Cipiti

Turn Morality In Media's Obscenity Call Day Into A Sexual Freedom Day! On Thursday, March 10th, from 10am to 5pm EST call your representatives and tell them you're just a regular citizen, not an addict, rapist or child molester, and…

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State Budgets, Higher Education, and Sexual Freedom

  • Chad Cipiti

 It's hard to avoid news of state budget shortfalls, and the New York Times reported yesterday that states, along with some members of Congress, are even investigating the constitutionally controversial idea of bankruptcy to solve their problems. These budget crises…

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Instant Censorship, Google Style

  • Chad Cipiti

Google just launched a new search technology that speeds up the already mindbogglingly fast process by which you can find information online. I read about it in the New York Times this morning. It launched yesterday and it's called Google…

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Limiting inventory in adult stores

  • Chad Cipiti

The new law in Baltimore requires that adult businesses have to "... scale back total adult inventory from 20 to 15 percent or relocate to a less visible location. The same standard applies to the establishment's gross retail sales. The…

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Joint Public Interest and Industry Comments

  • Mandy Salley

The undersigned commenters represent a very broad coalition of public interest and industry groups that have divergent views on many of the issues raised in this proceeding, but that strongly agree on one point: the content filtering mandate proposed by…

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