Keeping Ourselves (and Our Data) Safe
We at the Woodhull Freedom Foundation are proud to have worked closely with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) – the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world – on a number of briefs of amici curiae. Together,…
Banning Pornography Will Not Stop the Distribution of Nonconsensual Sexual Images
Anti-porn advocates argue that pornography websites increase the prevalence of non consensual intimate images (NCII) or “revenge porn.” However, research shows that these sites are predominantly not where revenge porn is shared. More effective regulation and comprehensive sex education would be more effective at protecting NCII victims than banning pornography websites.
California’s A.B. 3080 and Threats to Our Rights to Free Speech and Privacy
Unfortunately, a new censorship bill passed the California Assembly in May. The bill, A.B. 3080, includes a requirement for certain websites that display sexual content to verify the ages of their users to ensure they’re adults. In so doing, it…
Woodhull Urges the Supreme Court to Find TX Age Verification Legislation Unconstitutional
Today, the Woodhull Foundation and the Electronic Frontier Foundation submitted a brief to the United States Supreme Court urging the Justices to rule on TX's unconstitutional age verification law. We filed in support of the constitutional challenge brought by the…
Brief of Amici Curiae Woodhull Freedom Foundation and Electronic Frontier Foundation in Support of Petitioner Free Speech Coalition, Inc., et al.
The Woodhull Freedom Foundation and the Electronic Frontier Foundation submitted our brief to the United States Supreme Court urging the Justices to rule on TX's unconstitutional age verification law. We filed in support of the constitutional challenge brought by the…