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A photo of a person at a protest.

The Reinstated Global Gag Rule

  • Wendy Stanga

Trump is back in office (which perhaps bears no reminding) – and with that come his draconian policies, both old and new, including the anti-abortion policy known as the global gag rule. The global gag rule itself is some 40…

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Criminalizing Sex Work Does Not Improve Safety or Public Health

  • Wendy Stanga

Criminalization of sex work is often falsely believed to improve societal health, minimize sex trafficking, and keep sex workers safe. However, criminalization worsens these outcomes by driving both sex workers and trafficking victims underground, where they experience more violence, fewer social services, and less access to adequate healthcare. Decriminalization would be far more effective at ensuring sex workers' physical safety, economic stability, and physical and mental health.

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Every Human Has Rights

Trans Health Care Under Trump

  • Wendy Stanga

Back during his campaign, President Trump was unequivocal: “I will sign a new executive order instructing every federal agency to cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age.” On top of that horrifying…

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Photo of lawn signs supporting a ballot initiative in Missouri.

The Popularity of Abortion Rights Ballot Measures

  • Mandy Salley

Earlier this month, Donald J. Trump won the presidential election. But so did seven ballot measures protecting abortion rights in Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, and New York. (Florida’s measure nearly scraped by, winning a whopping 57 percent of…

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