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Human Rights Cup: Corporations=1, Human Beings=0

  • Chad Cipiti

In a stunning (but not unexpected) decision, the anti-human rights, anti-sexual freedom Supreme Court of the United States affirmed sexual freedom for corporations and denied it to human beings. Not good. Very, very bad. The decision is not out of…

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Details of your sex life, $10.00 in Florida!

  • Chad Cipiti

In an article in the Sun Sentinel reporter Brittany Wallman share the details of a survey about the sex lives of 4100 women ages 18 to 24 being conducted of Florida's Department of Health. The 12-page questionnaire appalled some who saw it,…

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Why the Women’s Rights Movement Must Listen to Sex Workers

  • Chad Cipiti

Editor's Note:  In 2008 the US Government gave Malaysia the lowest rating in its annual Trafficking In Persons Report. Rather than address the real labour trafficking issues, the government set out to close down the sex industry. Now nearly all…

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Reproductive Rights Are Human Rights: A Global Call To Action

  • Chad Cipiti

by Guest Blogger: Jessica Pieklo  Yesterday was International Day of Action For Women’s Health and a renewed push to ensure that every woman and girl has her right to bodily autonomy recognized worldwide. To mark the day the Women’s Global Network for Reproductive…

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Sex, Witchcraft and the War on Women

  • Chad Cipiti

The right wing war on women is certainly no new development.  Like many, if not most of the primitivist planks in the right wing cultural platform, their fear and loathing of anything sexual (outside of the act of procreation) is…

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Plan B pills cause sexual activity – NOT

  • Chad Cipiti

Isn't that a ridiculous conclusion?  It's as silly to say that giving access to Plan B, morning-after sex pills, will cause youth to be more sexually active as it is to say that having a condom in your purse or…

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