Section 230, the “Internet’s First Amendment”
By Tess Joseph Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act protects freedom of speech online. Advocates call it the “First Amendment of the Internet.” In the words of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Section 230 is “perhaps the most influential law to protect…
FOSTA & Internet Censorship
After living with the fallout of FOSTA for over a year, online platforms continue to sanitize the internet of any sexually-oriented expression. Sex workers have especially felt the brunt of the new law, as their safety and harm reduction tools…
Caroline Bettinger-Lopez Friday Keynote
Join us to come away inspired by our 2018 Vicki Sexual Freedom Summit award recipient, Caroline (Carrie) Bettinger-Lopez. We heard about violence against women, violence against sex workers, gender and race discrimination, and immigrants' rights and how we can work…
FOSTA! How Congress Broke the Internet
FOSTA greatly expands the legal risks involved in hosting individuals' speech online and creates a new federal crime prohibiting online promotion or facilitation of prostitution. It does little to reduce human trafficking and puts sex workers in danger. The law…