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Human Rights Day 2011

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — December 9, 2011 — Washington, DC

This weekend the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance joins with social justice organizations, movements and individuals around the world in celebrating Human Rights Day.Human Rights Day marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights  on December 10, 1948 in San Francisco.  This event signified the beginning of the modern era of human rights and codified into law, through a progressive and far reaching international legal declaration, many of the most important aspects of being human.  The global community came together to name things like health, education, family, privacy, housing and work as fundamental human rights.In the midst of the Great Recession and continuing violations of human rights at home and around the world, the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance is engaged in advocacy to hold the United States government accountable to the principles it agreed to uphold when it signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Woodhull is also educating and organizing our communities to build a human rights culture in the United States and to ensure that sexual rights are respected and protected at the intersection of civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights.

RJ Thompson, Director of the Human Rights Program at Woodhull, stated:

The Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance was founded on the principle that sexual freedom is a fundamental human right.  As sexuality and gender are two of the most fundamental aspects of being human, we believe to treat sexual freedom as anything other than an inalienable human right is to fall short of the vision of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which promotes a world in which all people enjoy the ability to realize their full selves and full potential.

This year, the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance will be actively celebrating Human Rights Day by co-facilitating the Sexual Rights and Gender Justice workshop track at the US Human Rights Network National Membership Meeting and Training Conference in Los Angeles.

For more information on the work of the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance, please visit our website, where you can find links to more information on your human rights and ways to plug into the action!

Happy Human Rights Day from the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance!



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