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Is NBC Taking a Swing at Swingers?

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — March 23, 2011 — Washington, DC

NBC has been promoting tonight’s episode of Law and Order, Special Victims Unit (SVU), “Bombshell”, which apparently features the detective duo, Benson and Stabler, on an undercover assignment at a “swingers’ club” to expose criminal activity.

While we have not seen the episode, we have apprehension that it may feature gratuitous demonizing and sensational characterizations of swingers and others involved in the swinging lifestyle.
We encourage you to watch SVU’s “Bombshell” episode (NBC 10pm ET/9pm CT tonight, Wednesday) and help us review the show as we consider any possible response we may wish to make to the network.

After you watch, we invite you to leave comments below.


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