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Sex Ed in a Censored Nation

It’s back-to-school season in the US. Unfortunately, for many students in the US, comprehensive sex education won’t be on their class list this September. This month, we’re examining censorship’s impact on sex education with three dedicated and informed sex education advocates. Mandy Salley will delve into the critical intersection of sex education, censorship, human rights, and free speech in the United States with experts from sex ed and advocacy. Our accomplished panelists will explore the current state of sex education, examining the impact of censorship on young people’s access to comprehensive and inclusive information. This conversation will highlight the importance of upholding human rights and free speech in educational settings, advocating for a curriculum that empowers students with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. Together, we will envision a future where open dialogue and accurate information are fundamental rights for all.

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Panelists from "Sex Ed in a Censored Nation"

from 2024 Censorship Series

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