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Bi-Weekly Sexual Freedom Newsletter
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Top Stories This Week

1. Woodhull’s Carmen Vázquez Youth Advocacy Training Institute;
2. Fulton v. City of Philadelphia;
3. Monthly payments to trans people;
4. Pathologizing asexuality;
5. Transforming the child care system;
6. Maura Martinez, a trans woman in ICE custody; and
7. Celebrating Pride 2021. 


(Louis Shackleton)

It’s Ricci’s 75th! 

Carmen Vázquez Youth Advocacy Training Institute – Help Us Reach Our Goal

“When we engaged in our last strategic planning process in December, Carmen insisted we seek ways to inspire, train, and empower the next generation to be a part of Woodhull Freedom Foundation and the Sexual Freedom Movement,” said Ricci Joy Levy, CEO, at a recent meeting of key stakeholders.

“This month,” she added, “in memory of our beloved Carmen and to commemorate my 75th birthday, I’m asking folks to consider making a gift of any amount to the Carmen Vázquez Youth Advocacy Training Institute.” To donate, click here!

Children doing virtual schoolwork

(Shawn Thew:EPA:Shutterstock)

The Human Rights Campaign Reacts to Supreme Court Decision in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia (Human Rights Campaign) 

Aryn Fields reacts to the Supreme Court decision in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia: “Fulton v. City of Philadelphia evaluated whether foster care agencies that receive government funds could violate city law and discriminate against prospective parents based on the agency’s religious beliefs. The case could have had a sweeping, harmful impact in the provision of child welfare services by enabling discrimination against LGBTQ people, same-sex couples, interfaith couples, single parents, married couples in which one prospective parent has previously been divorced, or other qualified parents to whom an agency has an objection. The Supreme Court determined that enforcing nondiscrimination laws is not in conflict with the First Amendment, but determined that the city of Philadelphia was not neutral in applying its nondiscrimination provisions.” Read more.


(Justin Sullivan:Getty Images)

San Francisco Could Soon Offer No-Strings-Attached Monthly Payments to Trans People (them.) 

Britni de la Cretaz explains a new pilot program in San Francisco: “Mayor London Breed announced on [June 8, 2021] that the city will soon be providing a no-strings-attached, monthly payment of $1,000 to low-income, transgender residents of the city. [...] Providing financial support of this kind is also known as universal basic income (UBI), and Breed’s budget proposal included $2 million specifically for a UBI program for trans people. If approved by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, it would mean that 150 trans residents could begin receiving checks this fall.” Read more.

Gender Spectrum Collection

(The Gender Spectrum Collection)

It’s 2021. Why Are Doctors Still Trying to “Cure” Asexuality? (Bitch Media) 

Michele Kirichanskaya argues against pathologizing asexuality: “According to the Asexual Visibility and Education Network, asexuality is defined as a ‘person who does not experience sexual attraction.’ It isn’t equivalent to celibacy, and while some asexual people may not experience sexual attraction—demisexuals and graysexuals can be an exception—they can experience other types of attraction, including romantic, sensual, and aesthetic, as well as other types of human connection. [...] As one of the most underrepresented groups—often termed the ‘invisible orientation’—within the LGBTQ+ community, asexuals face a number of challenges, including being discriminated against by medical professionals. Because they may be pathologized, many asexuals fear going to the doctor’s office, particularly when they’re seeing a physician about their sexual or reproductive health.” Read more.


(Getty Images)

Reopening Isn’t Enough — Child Care System Must Be Transformed, Providers Say (Truthout) 

Michelle Chen argues for the transformation of the child care system: “In California, according to Kidsdata.org, licensed family child care homes tend to be cheaper than daycare centers, at about $11,700 a year, but still prohibitively costly for typical working poor families. Even parents who are eligible for subsidies may not be able to find a spot—many programs have long waiting lists. Pre-pandemic, there were no child care slots available for an estimated three-quarters of children aged 12 and under with working parents. According to CCPU’s research, prior to the pandemic, some 60 percent of Californians lived in a ‘child care desert’ with no child care provider that they can afford within their zip codes. For families of color, the child care deficit is even worse at about 70 percent.”
Read more.


(David McNew/Getty Images)

Woman Detained By ICE Indefinitely for the Crime of Throwing a Rock Hopes for Asylum Under Biden (Jezebel) 

Emily Alford writes about ICE’s detention of Maura Martinez: “As President Joe Biden publicly declares support for trans rights—and directly acknowledges the need for trans protections in schools, prisons, and within the healthcare system—Maura Martinez, a trans woman from Nicaragua, has been in ICE custody for two years for the crime of defending herself against an attacker and not being born in the U.S. She is one of the dozens, if not more, of trans immigrants being misgendered in the system, subsequently facing sexual assault, physical harassment, and months of solitary confinement as their only recourse for ‘protection,’ from relentless abuse.”
Read more.


(Bryan R. Smith/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images)

Celebrating Pride 2021 (Woodhull’s Sex & Politics Blog)

Tess Joseph highlights the history and importance of Pride month: “This June, we commemorate the impressive steps taken toward liberation and the leaders who brought—and continue to bring—us closer to a better future. We at the Woodhull Freedom Foundation know that achieving sexual freedom is essential to creating this future, and we’re dedicated to ensuring that everyone, including LGBTQIA+ folks, have access to comprehensive sex education, quality healthcare, pleasure, and community.” Read more.


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