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Virtual Peer
Learning Academy

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Spokes Hub is a free online academy aimed at supporting people with lived experience in the sex trade in developing their voice and authority as advocates. Participants are encouraged to deepen their understanding of complex issues through peer learning and research, and to expand their advocacy skills through writing and public speaking. 

Spokes Hub graduates can access financial support through the Awards Pool. To date, Spokes Hub has distributed nearly $24,000 in Awards Pool payments to program participants.

Spokes Hub classes are led overwhelmingly by people with lived experience in the sex trade. Classes include “hard skills” trainings such as media readiness and public speaking, as well as subject matter deep dives and group discussion spaces.

Teach a Class — If you are a person with lived experience in the sex trade, we invite you to teach a class! You may learn more about this opportunity and submit your proposal here.

Lived experience in the sex trade includes…escorting, street-based sex work, stripping, webcamming, adult content creation, porn, phone sex, pro-domming and subbing, prostitution, etc. People with lived experience in the sex trade are welcome at Spokes Hub regardless of whether they were forced or coerced or worked voluntarily, formally or informally, whether they traded sexual or erotic services for money, a place to stay, drugs, or anything else of value.

In this video, Spokes Hub coordinators describe the program, who it is for, and how to get started.

Spokes Hub is designed to welcome a diversity of thoughts, perspectives and opinions. The views of Spokes Hub presenters do not necessarily reflect the views of Woodhull Freedom Foundation, New Moon Network, or its affiliated partners.

For more information, contact [email protected].

Final Projects from Spokes Hub Graduates

Winter 2024 Graduates

Summer 2024 Graduates

Fall 2023 Graduates

Spring 2023 Graduates

Summer 2022 Graduates

Spokes Hub is sponsored by and hosted in partnership with New Moon Network, an organization dedicated to advancing the rights and welfare of people in the sex trade.

Spokes Hub is made possible by the contributions of generous individuals and organizations such as Sex Work Rights and le Shaw. We’re also thankful to le Shaw for also offering pro-bono technical assistance to the program.

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