A headshot of Bianca I. Laureano, a black cisgender female with short blonde hair and glasses.
Bianca I Laureano, MA, CSES
freedom, liberation, body autonomy, self-determination, and pleasure are our birthright!
Bianca I Laureano is an award-winning sexuality educator and curriculum writer. She is a foundress of the Women of Color Sexual Health Network (WOCSHN) and ANTE UP! Professional Development for Justice Workers. She has written several curricula including What’s the REAL DEAL about Love and Solidarity (2015); Communications MixTape: Speak On It vol 1 (2017); and has contributed to the OWL 2017 Update for high school participants, and wrote the Sexual and Reproductive Justice discussion guide for the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (2018). She is offering an ANTE UP Certification which focuses on justice frameworks and implementation.