Cyndee Clay
Cyndee Clay has passionately fought for the health, rights, safety, and self-determination for people who are engaged in underground economies and the power of harm reduction based approaches to stigmatized and criminalized behavior. She is an internationally recognized expert with over 20 years of experience in program development, nonprofit management, and evaluation for improving the health and safety of people who use drugs and people who engage in sex work. She is a graduate of the UCLA/Johnson & Johnson Health Care Executive Program at UCLA Business School, served as an Advocate in Residence at Yale University’s Global Health Studies Initiative, and convened DC’s first working group on drug user health. She has also served as the community co-chair for both DC’s HIV Prevention Planning Group and the DC Regional Commission on Health & HIV, and served as a community representative for the Urban Coalition of HIV/AIDS Prevention Services (UCHAPS), the DC Recovery Advisory Council; DC Opioid Fatality Review Board and the Live.Long.DC Opioid Epidemic response Strategic Plan Executive Committee.