Mariam I. Williams
Wherever there is power, there is the need to speak truth to it, even and perhaps especially in our most private and intimate spaces.
Mariam I. Williams is a writer, dancer, educator, and public historian born in Kentucky and living in Philadelphia, PA. She has been writing about sex, religion, race, and gender since 2009 and has been published in Longreads, Salon, The Feminist Wire, and National Catholic Reporter. She holds black women at the center of her work and believes in affirming sexuality as a part of affirming black womanhood. Mariam founded and designed the online course series, “How to Transform Silence into Language and Action.” Name for the seminal essay by black feminist poet, essayist, and theorist Audre Lorde, the course teaches black women how to reclaim their voices, claim their space, and affirm their black womanhood through dance, creative writing, and black feminism. Mariam is currently working on a memoir about letting go of sexually repressive religious teaching and returning to more of the black feminist teaching she was unwittingly raised with.