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WE WON! Florida Vote 114 to 1 to Stop Shackling of Incarcerated Womenin Labor, Delivery and Recovery, Upholing Both the Constitution and International Human Rights Laws

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — March 8, 2012 — Washington, DC

I’ve got some great news to share with you!

As you know, Woodhull joined our allies in testifying in Florida in favor of House Bill 367, prohibiting the use of restraints (shackles) on incarcerated women in labor, delivery and recovery. (Our testimony is here.)  We’ve been working on this for two years and today – –  in a vote of 114 to 1 – – IT FINALLY PASSED!!

Meeting with Representative Betty Reed (D-Hillsborough), the Bill’s author, we worked, in conjunction with the Florida ACLU, to insert the international human rights framework into the discussion – in addition to the established Constitutional issues.  The companion Senate Bill 524 was authored by Senator Arthenia Joyner (D-Tampa) and was passed unanimously.

Today we  have a victory as Florida finally bans shackling of incarcerated women in labor!  

Today’s vote is a vote for the United States Constitution and for Human Rights!


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